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Strong leaders know their values.

Have you worked with or known someone and thought that they are an awesome leader? You are drawn to hearing what they have to say? Take a moment to pause and think about who springs to mind. What was it which makes them special?

More often than not, it is because something connects with you. They are passionate about the way they live and lead and that speaks to you. You may not agree with everything they say, but you respect them as a person.

Part of the connection which you feel with these people is because “great leaders” know their values. They have spent time reflecting on what their values are or, most often, worked with an Executive Coach. Knowing their values provides purpose and drives them.

And MOST importantly, strong leaders openly communicate their core values.

There is a famous phrase that “if you want to see what someone is like, give them a hard time and if you want to see what someone is really like, give them everything”. Assuming that a leader’s values are “good”, leaders who stay focused on their values stay grounded, without letting their egos take over as they progress in seniority.

Useful questions to tune into your own values are:

  • What are the things you love to do and why? Why are these important to you?

  • What are you willing to fight for, work hard for?

  • Similarly, what things or behaviours really annoy you?

  • When have you felt conflicted about doing something? This unease is often because something is clashing with something which is important to you.

Answering these questions, may start to form the basis of your Core Values. The big question now is, How do you apply these values day-to-day?:

  • What impact do your day-to-day actions have?

  • What impact would you like them to have?

  • How openly do you communicate your values? When taking on a new team, have you shared with them some of the things which are important to you and drive you?

By communicating your values, you provide clarity around the why of your decisions and leadership style. A public example of people communicating their values is when Jacinda Arden stepped down as New Zealand’s Prime Minister, citing “with such a privileged role comes responsibility – the responsibility to know you are the right person to lead, and when you are not.” Jacinda stayed humble as a leader and to the value which she placed on the “responsibility that goes with leading a country”.

Feel free to shout out any values-based leaders who come to your mind. I am sure they will appreciate the recognition!

@ Michael Friguletto, @Michael Lemberger ,@Claire Miles, @Mark Austin. Who I have experienced openly sharing. leading and living to their values.

If you would like to explore working with me to understand your own values and develop as a leader – I would love to hear from you at

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